In November's digital newsletter we are excited to announce the McIntyre Local Performing Arts Endowment Awards totaling $96,192 in awards given. The grant opportunity has grown, providing even more support and resources for artists and performers in the area. A full list of this year's recipients can be found in this newsletter. Be sure to check out their upcoming performances at McIntyre Hall Performing Arts Center.
Three opportunities for funding opened November 1st: SCF Grant Cycle: local nonprofits can learn more and apply online through our newly designed Grantmaking and For Nonprofits pages on our website. SCF Scholarship Applications: students can learn more and apply for 11 SCF scholarships. Anacortes Women's Giving Circle: awards grants to nonprofit organizations from the Anacortes-area community. This year's Grant Cycle theme, Basic Human Needs & Community Health. Read the full November 2023 Digital Newsletter here!
February 2025